21st century is a digital book operated by internet. In this digital era all the basic things which have got real-life expectancy and can also be used for experience has all went for online platforms wither as a website or an application or as software which can be used on a system or some other place. Online Casino’s have been next big thing for the sole purpose of understanding the quadrant of passive income within the home premises. After the impact of COVID-19 pandemic it was pretty clear that platforms like Situs qiu qiu can be used any time anywhere. People have been taking it as a side business as well. Mostly millionaires and billionaires, which are also termed as the sharks of this industry mentioned that they have been playing cards and other casino activities for a very long time now. This is influential in youngsters as well. These types of apps come with basic terms and conditions just like online casinos and are willing to give away more than 10 times of the investment.

The process of working

 First of all, download an application like PKV poker from the online store. The application can be downloaded on any platforms as these applications is compatible for almost all the platforms like android, IOS or personal computers as a system software. After this you are supposed to provide your personal details like name, Address, proof of your residence, income, profession, bank account number or swift account number and many more. Once you provide them all the details it become very easy for them to capture your data. After that you are supposed to buy some chips or any digital currency which is used at such kind of platforms. These platforms after that capture that amount which you have invested and try to provide u=you some games where you can invest their provided currency. Once you have invested the currency you can withdraw or send it to your bank account as per your choice. This is termed as the withdraw process. This is generally a term that you can withdraw your amount after you reach certain level of chips. For example, in Bandarqq you can withdraw the amount once you reach to 22500 credit limits.

There are many more other android and IOS platform-based applications which are rigid as well. In order to access such applications, it is important that you are above your legal age of gambling. Without any hesitation it can be said that these application s are pretty addictive as well.


 We can clearly see that accessing this application is very easy due to handy allowance of the mobile phones and easy platforms like android and IOS platforms. These applications ask for a very small upfront payment which creates a good sense of introduction between the two of the players. We need to understand that gambling whether it is online or offline, involves risk as well. SO be safe and make sure that you are an adult before getting in touch with such kind of platforms.